Welcome to PS 9!

PS 9 is an open choice elementary school with a strong focus on the arts. The PTA at PS 9 is committed to encouraging parents to use their "VOICE" (Vision, Opportunity, Independence, Collaboration, Expression) to create meaningful opportunities for students, staff and families.
As a result, we provide a variety of school, community and family activities that not only engage children and families, but build a community as well.
We look forward to providing our families with many meaningful opportunities throughout the school-year.

Welcome to PS 9!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

World's Finest Chocolate

The PTA of PS 9 is excited to begin our school year with the World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser – a truly delicious Chocolate that has been sold in Schools and Organizations throughout the world. One taste will tell you how it got its name and you will discover people in your neighborhood who have been World’s Finest Chocolate fans for years. We appreciate your continued cooperation. Please help us by selling to friends, relatives and co-workers.
PLEASE do your best with this very important fundraiser.  Try to sell at least one case.

For additional order forms, click the World's Finest Chocolate button on the home page (top right hand corner). 

 Things to Know for Chocolate Selling Success
· SALE STARTS September 17 and will END on October 30.
· Cases of Chocolate will be distributed daily (pending volunteer participation) for the duration of the sale.
· Each World’s Finest Chocolate Case is a 60 Bar Variety Pack
· All bars sell for $1.00 
In order to support our school’s PBIS, students will be earning the much loved STAR CARDS as they sell cases. Please see the following chart to calculate how many Star Cards your child will receive. Star Cards will be tallied and distributed after the end of the selling period.
If you sell . . .                           You earn . . .
1-3 boxes                                  5 star card per box
4-6 boxes                                   10 star cards per box
7-9 boxes                                   15 star cards per box
10+ boxes                                  20 star cards per box

1.  ALL money should be collected as you sell the bars. Please use the envelope included in the box.
2.  To get another box – complete and send in a new request sheet (see tear-off below) along with payment for the previous box. You will not get a new box unless payment for the previous box is received AND a new form is filled out!
3.  Cash, Checks or Money Orders will be accepted.
4.  Please make all Checks and Money Orders payable to The Parent Teacher Association of PS 9.  There will be a $50 fee for any returned check.
5.  Do not sell alone! Never sell to strangers!