Welcome to PS 9!

PS 9 is an open choice elementary school with a strong focus on the arts. The PTA at PS 9 is committed to encouraging parents to use their "VOICE" (Vision, Opportunity, Independence, Collaboration, Expression) to create meaningful opportunities for students, staff and families.
As a result, we provide a variety of school, community and family activities that not only engage children and families, but build a community as well.
We look forward to providing our families with many meaningful opportunities throughout the school-year.

Welcome to PS 9!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

School Art Calendars

Order your PS 9 2015 School Art Calendar! 
This year’s calendar will feature each child’s artwork! The artwork will be clearly labeled so you can identify your child's masterpiece.   
You can access the calendar order form by using the link below. Simply fill out the form and return it to school in an envelope with the exact amount of money. Please send in cash, money orders or checks made payable to PTA of PS 9
Help raise funds for the school by purchasing Art Calendars for all your friends and family this holiday season. They make wonderful gifts!

All orders must be received by 12/1/14 and will be delivered by 12/15/14.

Friday, November 7, 2014

PS 9 Book Fair

The Scholastic book fair is available on-line now through November 25th. Please share the link below with your family and friends and help bring more funds to PS 9!


The book fair will also be available for students on Wednesday, November 12th, and during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, November 13th.

Below is the book fair schedule for Wednesday. Parents are invited to shop with their children during their assigned time,

Book Fair Schedule for Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pumpkin Smash 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Thank You!

The PTA would like to thank all who were involved in supporting the Pumpkin Smash this weekend. Despite the wind and the rain and the cold, many people ventured out to support PS 9 and the NYC Compost Project as we hosted our first community event. 

We received a lot of positive feedback about the event, which was covered by the Staten Island Advance and NY1. We were even visited by our new Superintendent, Anthony Lodico.
For all of you who donated materials or items to sell, donated a raffle basket, volunteered your time at the event, provided chili, or brought your family and friends to the event- your participation and support is a testament to the amazing families and staff we have at PS 9!