Welcome to PS 9!

PS 9 is an open choice elementary school with a strong focus on the arts. The PTA at PS 9 is committed to encouraging parents to use their "VOICE" (Vision, Opportunity, Independence, Collaboration, Expression) to create meaningful opportunities for students, staff and families.
As a result, we provide a variety of school, community and family activities that not only engage children and families, but build a community as well.
We look forward to providing our families with many meaningful opportunities throughout the school-year.

Welcome to PS 9!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pumpkin Smash

PS 9, Naples Street Elementary School is excited to be partnering with the NYC Compost Project hosted  by Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden to host Staten Island's very first Pumpkin Smash and leaf collection event.
Help us keep hundreds of pounds of pumpkin and leaves out of landfills this fall by bringing them to our school garden. But, before they lay to rest in our brand new compost bins, you'll have a chance to make them flip, roll, launch, cannonball and ultimately SMASH them!! Everyone is invited to this community event, taking place on Saturday, November 1st at PS 9, 1055 Targee Street from 11am to 3pm. There will also be food, games, music, face painting, jewelry making, kids art corner, trebuchet building and launching, contests, raffles and SO MUCH MORE! We will also be collecting left-over Halloween candy to send to our troops.  
We hope you will stop by to help us celebrate our growing school garden program! Wear your Halloween costumes, bring your pumpkins, fall leaves or left-over Halloween candy, and get ready for a SMASHING good time! 
Tentative Schedule includes:
Trebuchet building and launching- 11:30-12:30
Chili cook-off- 11:00-1:30
All-day activities include face painting, pumpkin bowling, pumpkin smashing and launching, ooey-gooey pumpkin walk, kids art corner, jewelry making, climbing wall, and much more!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Fundraiser- now through October 16, 2014

Fall Fundraiser
Dear Parents and Students:

Our Fall Fundraiser is under way! This year we will be selling a variety of items from two different suppliers: Holiday Gifts from Mink & Company -featuring gift wrap and accessories as well as candles and accessories from The Yankee Candle Company.

Both companies offer a wide variety of items including chocolates, gourmet popcorn, gift-wrap, accessories, magazines, candles and a wonderful selection of gift items. The money generated through this fund raising effort will go to support programs for our children throughout the year.

Your participation in this sale, whether large or small, will help to make it a success.  Please take the time to look through the catalogs yourself and be sure to share the catalogs with friends, relatives and co-workers so that they may take advantage of this holiday shopping opportunity and help our school at the same time.

Sale Starts Today and will end on October 16th

To insure that our personalized, pre-packaged order reaches us in time for the Holidays, we must have all orders in by the last sale date (10/16/14).
Please be aware that these are two separate programs and although we running them at the same time, they Must Be Kept Separate. Each of these fundraising programs comes packaged with its own catalogs, order forms, incentive sheet and letter.  Please be sure that you keep them separate to avoid confusion.
Information and instructions are with each of the packets.

PRIZE PROGRAM - A beautiful prize brochure is pictured in each sales envelope. Please look over the brochure and see all the attractive prizes you can win! Even if you only sell one item, you will receive a prize. The more you sell, the more prizes you will win!

GRAND PRIZE (combined sales): The TOP SELLER for the SCHOOL will receive a Remote Controlled Flying Helicopter!!!

a.  Be sure to NEATLY PRINT your NAME and CLASS on each envelope and tally form.
b.   Take the time to look over the Order Form so that you can fill them out correctly (directions are on each form).
c.  EXTRA ORDER FORMS will be available at the school, or email the PTA.
d.   Show the catalogs to as many people as you can, but always sell with adult supervision.
e.  When you have finished selling, total up your sales on each order form, and re-check all forms for accuracy.
f.  Please return both copies of each order form to the school with payment. The top copy of each form will be returned to you with your order. (You may make a copy for your records if you wish)
g.  Please make ALL checks and Money Orders payable to PTA of PS9.
h.   Return all money by October 16, 2014. Late orders cannot be filled.
i.     Do not collect sales tax.
j.     You can order online by using the following school ID
     Yankee: www.yankeecandlefundraising.com  Enter Group # 990061401 in the Start Shopping section on the Home Page
     Mink&Co: www.minkco.com Program ID # 143690400
     Enter the school name (PS9) and the student’s name to receive prize credit for online ordering.

·        Customers ordering magazines will receive address activation voucher. Look for these in your orders!
·        Any problems can be corrected through Mink's toll free customer number 1-866 321-MINK (6465) (Please DO NOT contact the School)
·        Any Yankee Candle problem can be corrected through their toll free customer service line or online. Information will be with your order. You can also bring any candles to any Yankee Candle Retail store.
·        Remember , NEVER allow your children to go door-to-door to sell to strangers.
·        Every dollar raised goes back to the children of P.S. 9.

Monday, October 6, 2014