Welcome to PS 9!

PS 9 is an open choice elementary school with a strong focus on the arts. The PTA at PS 9 is committed to encouraging parents to use their "VOICE" (Vision, Opportunity, Independence, Collaboration, Expression) to create meaningful opportunities for students, staff and families.
As a result, we provide a variety of school, community and family activities that not only engage children and families, but build a community as well.
We look forward to providing our families with many meaningful opportunities throughout the school-year.

Welcome to PS 9!

Monday, September 15, 2014

School Lunch Form Information

Attention all families!

Please do your best to complete and return the school lunch forms, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT QUALIFY FOR SCHOOL LUNCH!

You can also do this online by following the instructions below! Thank you!

Open House information for Prospective Families

PS 9 Open House Sessions
Naples Street Elementary School
1055 Targee Street
Staten Island, NY  10304
Phone (718) 876-4610

Wednesday, December 10th, 9:30 am
Wednesday, January 14th, 9:30 am
Thursday February 5th, 9:30 am
Wednesday March 11th, 9:30 am
Wednesday April 15th, 9:30 am
Thursday May 7th – 1st Grade Only, 9:30 am

Hosted by Deanna Marco, Founding Principal

Friday, September 12, 2014

Walk Now for Autism Speaks

Register for our team at http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/statenisland/ps9naplesstreetelementary

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Welcome to PS 9 Naples Street Elementary School

Welcome back and welcome to all of our new families!

We are so excited to begin a new school year and provide many new opportunities for the students, families and staff at PS 9 to be engaged in the life of the school and build community.  

Please remember that our monthly PTA meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, alternating between mornings (8:15 am) and evening (7 pm) meetings.  Please be sure to read Thursday’s News for the dates and times of each meeting. The dates are also posted on this website.

The first PTA meeting of the new school year will be held in conjunction with Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 18, 2014. The events of the evening will begin at 5:00 pm.  You will have a chance to meet the staff members as well as our PTA Executive Board and our PS 9 families. Come share your ideas for the upcoming school year!
In the mean-time, please consider joining our email blast and keep the information below for your records. We hope you will find these resources helpful as you stay up-to-date on school events and other important information.
We look forward to meeting you and are excited about the upcoming school year!
Connect With Us!
·         Sign up to be on our email blast:
o   Send an email to ps9naplespta@gmail.com letting us know that you’d like to be on our email list.
o   In the email, give us your child’s name and what grade they are currently in this fall.
o   As necessary, you will receive PTA announcements
·          “Like” us on Facebook:
o   Our Facebook page is Parent Teacher Association of PS 9 www.facebook.com/PTAofPS9
·         Bookmark the school website and the PTA website:
o   The official Naples Street Elementary School website is www.ps9si.org
o   The PTA website is www.ps9naplespta.blogspot.com
o   Visit these pages often for information on upcoming school and PTA events, as well as school faculty contact information and curriculum updates.